"Brian Faulkner has the ability to come right to it. He quickly questions and analyzes key strengths
and communicates them in a way that inspires commitment and motivates action."
- Client President -
and communicates them in a way that inspires commitment and motivates action."
- Client President -
Get It Right. The First Time.
Effective writing for business leaders, whether speech, script, article, customer story, blog post or landing page copy, should be both compelling and timely. Brian Faulkner's work not only will exceed your expectations but also save you no small amount of frustration -- by getting it right the first time.
"WOW! You got it right on the first pass -- and pulled it together in only one day.
That's huge! Especially for somebody from outside the company."
- Ecolab Exec, commenting on sales meeting video script -
That's huge! Especially for somebody from outside the company."
- Ecolab Exec, commenting on sales meeting video script -
Brian Faulkner is a deeply experienced strategic storyteller who has written extensively for C-level corporate execs and small business owners over the years --
people like you, leaders with stories to tell about: |
competitive advantage ...
positioning ...
capabilities ...
culture ...
change ...
leadership ...
the future ...
& more.
Clients have ranged from consumer products multinationals and small manufacturing companies to retail and professional services firms as well as non-profits. Typical writing and consulting projects focus on vision, values, goals and direction with an emphasis on communicating competitive advantage, including executive speeches ... sales meeting theme development and presentation strategies ... positioning and capabilities videos ... blog posts ... landing page copy and other mission-critical assignments.
Brian also is a five-time Emmy® award-winning writer and narrator of magazine-style programming for Public Television, including stories about unusual businesses and their successes.
He looks forward to discussing your needs.
Brian also is a five-time Emmy® award-winning writer and narrator of magazine-style programming for Public Television, including stories about unusual businesses and their successes.
He looks forward to discussing your needs.
"What an asset Brian is ...
thanks for recommending him."
CLICK HERE for Public Television writing and narration samples.
CLICK HERE for sample story and essay writing.
Business Writer, Problem SolverBrian Faulkner writes landing page copy, C-level speeches, video scripts, blog posts, white papers, customer stories, annual report narratives and more for business clients - plus scripts and proposals for video producers. He is fast and accurate and thrives on challenging projects with tight deadlines.
Public Television WriterBrian Faulkner is a five-time Emmy®-award winning writer of magazine style Public Television programs. His more than 120 segments about the arts, history, nature, tourist attractions and fascinating people helped make PBS Carolina's highly-rated Our State series a great success since it began its run in 2003.
Essays, Stories & Other StuffBrian E. Faulkner has written a variety of essays for print publications and for broadcast on Public Radio. He enjoys writing children's stories and even a bit of verse from time to time. He also writes about the intersection of faith and life for a web site called Reflecting the Light, which can be sampled HERE.
"Quik-Ship"“Recommendations were right on the money ... I see Quik-Ship everywhere!”
![]() Product Naming Project for Car Dealer: Some years ago, an auto dealer client presented me with a problem; They needed a brand name for a premium parts business they'd established to serve other car dealers who couldn't get parts fast enough directly from GM and were falling behind on customer repairs. My client found that by ordering huge quantities of fast moving parts from GM and shipping them to their dealer customers overnight - at a slight price premium - they could help them get their customers’ cars out the door faster. "You’re not selling parts, you’re selling time,” I suggested. And recommended creating a brand that would quickly communicate that story: Modern Quik-Ship. The concept was a huge success. It wasn’t long before the General Motors parts zone manager reported seeing the Quik-Ship logo (designed after a packing crate stencil) “wherever I go.” The powerful new brand with the built-in benefits story helped earn my client millions of incremental dollars over the years and was said to have been "getting stronger" several years after launch. CLICK HERE for more brand writing. |
"Living With An Island"“You captured a lot of the intangibles we've always struggled to get across ..."
Script for Our State Public TV Program:
Sometimes it seems like an impossible dream: find those peaceful, serene spots where we can take a breath and relax. More often, we find an urban landscape imposed on a shifting bit of sand - and have forgotten how it is to live with an island. But some places do remain where man's footprint on nature has been both limited and thoughtful ,,,where one can find nature's treasures largely intact. Bald Head Island forms the very tip of North Carolina, a point of land known as Cape Fear. It's swept by the confused and dangerous currents of Frying Pan Shoals and borders the shipping channel of the Cape Fear River, where ships make their way to and from the state port. The island consists of a wide range of geography and habitat: seaside dunes, salt marshes and old growth maritime forests. Thousands of visitors flock here each year, and some 200 or more call it home year-round. So the island must withstand not only the whims of nature but also contain the plans of man ... For samples and info about Brian E. Faulkner's Public TV writing and narrations, please CLICK HERE.
"Jake's Mountain""I loved your story ... so poignant."
Short Story for magazine:
It was one of those nights. The wind was prowling around outside, heralding imminent arrival of a storm, and Jack’s father wasn’t home from work. As the dark crept up their mountain and chased the pale remnants of late December sunlight from their tin roof, Jack strained to hear the beat-up Ford come chugging up the hill, the truck they used for everything from hard work to Sunday best. But tonight, its familiar note would be drowned by the wind. So Jack sat with his back to the sparse rooms of their cabin, looking out the window and down the road as the first heavy raindrops hammered the roof like impatient fingers tapping on a steel drum. Jake guided his old pickup along the familiar - but tricky - dirt road, his mind wandering between the son he knew was waiting and the growing storm that demanded his attention. Its tempo was increasing, and the road had a washboard surface cut by deep, watery ditches that could ... (continued) For additional stories and essays by Brian E. Faulkner, please CLICK HERE.
To contact Brian Faulkner about your writing and/or narration projects:
[email protected]
[email protected]